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Scientific Name / Common Name Size Description Img
Callistemon 'Red Cluster', Bottlebrush30Gvery NICE, Grade #1, Standard, 9-10ft HT, 0.25-0.33ft Spr, 1.75-2in Cal, 4-5ft CT 
Callistemon 'Red Cluster', Bottlebrush30GStandard, 2-2.5in Cal, 5-6ft CT 
Cupressus arizonica glabra 'Carolina Sapphire', Arizona Blue Cypress, Smooth Bark Arizona Cypress, Callitropsis glabra30Gfat and full, 7-9ft HT
Cupressus arizonica glabra 'Carolina Sapphire', Arizona Blue Cypress, Smooth Bark Arizona Cypress, Callitropsis glabra65G / 32"nice, 10-12ft HT, 0.42-0.5ft Spr 
Elaeocarpus decipiens, Japanese Blueberry30Gfull and NICE, Full / Low Branched, 6-8ft HT
Elaeocarpus decipiens, Japanese Blueberry30Gstandard nice, Single, Standard, 8-11ft HT, 2-2.5in Cal, 4ft CT 
Elaeocarpus decipiens, Japanese Blueberry45G / 28"fat and nice, 8-10ft HT
Elaeocarpus decipiens, Japanese Blueberry45G / 28"Grade #1, Standard, 9-11ft HT 
Elaeocarpus decipiens, Japanese Blueberry65G / 32"fat full and nice, 10-12ft HT 
Elaeocarpus decipiens, Japanese Blueberry65G / 32"Grade #1, Standard, 9-10ft HT, 4-5ft Spr, 2.75-3in Cal, 4-5ft CT, 4-5ft GW
Juniperus virginiana 'Brodie', Eastern Red Cedar30Gnice, 6-8ft HT
Lagerstroemia fauriei 'Muskogee', Japanese Crape Myrtle45G / 28"3-5 canes, Multi, 10-14ft HT 
Lagerstroemia fauriei 'Muskogee', Japanese Crape Myrtle45G / 28"STANDARD BIG, Standard, 11-12ft HT, 3-3.5in Cal
Lagerstroemia fauriei 'Muskogee', Japanese Crape Myrtle65G / 32"STANDARD BIG, Standard, 6-8ft Spr, 3-4in Cal, 6-7ft CT 
Lagerstroemia fauriei 'Tuscarora', Japanese Crape Myrtle30G3 to 5 cane NICE, 8-10ft HT 
Lagerstroemia indica, Crape Myrtle30G3-5 canes, Multi, 8-10ft HT
Ligustrum, Privet30Gftb and tree form, 5-6ft HT 
Ligustrum, Privet45G / 28"FAT FULL NICE, 7-8ft HT, 6ft Spr
Ligustrum, Privet65G / 32"FAT FULL NICE, 7ft HT, 7ft Spr
Magnolia grandiflora 'D.D.Blanchard', Southern Magnolia 'D.D.Blanchard'®, Southern Magnolia65G / 32"Full / Low Branched, Tree, 10-12ft HT, 3-3.5in Cal 
Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki', Japanese Yew30GFull / Low Branched, 5-5.5ft HT 
Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki', Japanese Yew45G / 28"nice, 7-10ft HT 
Taxodium distichum, Bald Cypress45G / 28"10-12ft HT, 3-4in Cal 
Ulmus alata, Winged Elm, Kalysta®45G / 28"Grade #1, Tree, 10-12ft HT, 2.25-2.5in Cal 
Ulmus parvifolia 'Drake', Chinese Elm 'Drake'®, Lacebark Elm45G / 28"nice straight trunks , 10-12ft HT, 2.25-2.5in Cal