Acer Rubrum 'HOSR'Red Maple 'Summer Red' 30G
Agapanthus 'Blue Seedling'Lily of the Nile 3G / 10"
Cupressus sempervirensItalian Cypress 15G / 17"
Ilex cornuta 'Needlepoint'Chinese holly, Horned Holly 7G / 14"
Ilex glabraInkberry, Gallberry 3G / 10"
Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific'Shore Juniper 1G Full
Loropetalum chinense 'Red Chocolate'Chinese fringe flower 7G / 14"
Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken's Brown Beauty'Southern Magnolia 30G
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'Southern Magnolia 'Little Gem'®, Southern Magnolia 45G / 28"
Muhlenbergia capillarisGulf Coast Muhly Grass, Hair-awn muhly, Pink Muhly Grass 3G / 10"
Osmanthus fragransSweet Tea Olive 15G / 17"
Quercus texanaNuttall Oak, Quercus nuttallii 30G
Rhododendron 'Conlec'Encore® Autumn Royalty® Reblooming Azalea 2G / 8"
Rhododendron 'Duc De Rohan'Azalea 3G / 10"
Rhododendron 'Fashion'Glendale Azalea 3G / 10"
Rhododendron 'G.G.Gerbing'7G / 14"
Rhododendron 'Red Slipper'Back Acre Azalea 3G / 10"
Rhododendron indicum 'George L. Taber'Southern Indica Hybrid Azalea, George Tabor Azalea 3G / 10"
Rosa 'Radrazz'Red Knock Out® Rose 3G / 10"
Spartina bakeriSand Cordgrass 3G / 10"
Thysanolaena maximaTiger Grass 7G / 14"