Sunscape Tree Farm, Inc.
Pro registration required to see contact info. 4205 Bruton Road Plant City, FL 33565 Accepted Payment Types: Visa, Amex, Mastercard, Discover, Cash, Check
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Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Naylor's Blue'Leyland Cypress, Hesperotropsis leylandii, Callitropsis x leylandii
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
Elaeocarpus decipiensJapanese Blueberry
100G / 36"
Ilex cassineDahoon Holly, Cassine Holly
15G / 17"
Ilex Vomitoria 'Upright Yaupon'Yaupon Holly
Ilex x attenuata 'East Palatka'Holly 'East Palatka'®, Holly
45G / 28"
Platanus occidentalisAmerican sycamore, Texas sycamore, Plane Tree
Prunus angustifoliaChickasaw Plum, Cherokee plum, Florida sand plum, sandhill plum, sand plum
15G / 17"
Prunus carolinianaCarolina Cherry Laurel
25G / 21"
Tabebuia impetiginosaPurple Trumpet Tree
15G / 17"
Thuja occidentalis 'Berckman's Golden Biota'Arborvitae, False White Cedar
15G / 17"
Washingtonia robustaWashington Palm, Mexican Fan Palm
Field Grown
4205 Bruton Road Plant City, FL 33565