AlternantheraJoseph's Coat, Joyweed 6" AZ
Alternanthera dentata 'Little Ruby'Joseph's Coat, Joyweed 6" AZ
Alternanthera ficoideaJoseph's Coat, Joyweed 1G / 6"
Aptenia cordifoliaBaby Sunrose, Ice Plant 1G / 6"
Aptenia cordifolia 'Variegata'Baby Sunrose 'Variegated' 6" AZ
Arachis glabrataGolden Ornamental Peanut, Perennial Peanut 1G / 6"
Arachis glabrata 'Ecoturf'Golden Ornamental Peanut, Perennial Peanut 1G / 6"
Asclepias curassavicaMilkweed, Bloodflower 1G / 6"
Asparagus densiflorusSprengeri Fern, Asparagus fern 1G / 6"
Caladium6" AZ
CoreopsisTickseed 1G / 6"
Coreopsis lanceolataLanceleaf tickseed 1G / 6"
Coreopsis leavenworthiiTickseed 1G Full
Dianthus 'Firewitch'pinks 'Feuerhexe' 1G / 6"
Duranta erecta 'Gold Mound'Golden Dewdrop, Duranta Repens 1G / 6"
Euphorbia miliiCrown of Thorns 1G / 6"
Evolvulus glomeratusBlue Daze 1G / 6"
Ficus microcarpa 'Green Island'Ficus 'Green Island' 1G / 6"
Gaura lindheimeriLindheimer's Beeblossom 1G / 6"
Hamelia patensFirebush, Hummingbird Bush 3G / 10"
Helianthus debilisDune Sunflower, Beach Sunflower 1G / 6"
Hemigraphis repandaDragon's Tongue, Narrow Flame Leaf Ivy, Waffle Plant 1G / 6"
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis spp.Tropical Hibiscus 1G / 6"
Impatiens 'SunPatiens Assorted'4.5" / Quart
Impatiens x hybrida hort 'SunPatiens Compact Orange'6" AZ
Ixora coccinea 'Nora Grant'Flame of the Woods, Jungle Flame, Jungle Geranium 3G / 10"
Ixora TaiwanensisIxora 'Taiwan Dwarf', Ixora 'Petite' 3G / 10"
Lantana camara 'New Gold'1G / 6"
Lantana depressaFlorida Lantana 1G / 6"
Lantana montevidensisLantana 'Lavender Weeping', Purple Trailing Lantana 6" AZ
Lantana montevidensis 'Arlene Purple'1G / 6"
Lantana spp.1G / 6"
NephrolepisSwordfern 1G / 6"
Pentas lanceolata 'Graffiti Series'Egyptian Star Cluster 1G / 6"
Pentas lanceolata 'New Look'Egyptian Star Cluster 1G / 6"
StachytarphetaPorterweed 1G / 6"
Stachytarpheta jamaicensisFlorida Native Porterweed 1G / 6"