Agave angustifoliaCarribean Agave 3G / 10"
Aloysia virgataSweet Almond Verbena, Incense Bush, Sweet Almond Bush 3G / 10"
Asclepias curassavicaMilkweed, Bloodflower 3G / 10"
Asparagus densiflorus 'Meyerii'Foxtail Fern, Asparagus densiflorus 'Myers' 3G / 10"
Brunfelsia grandifloraYesterday Today Tomorrow 3G / 10"
BuddleiaButterfly Bush 3G / 10"
Buddleia davidii 'Buzz Hot Raspberry'Butterfly Bush 3G / 10"
Bursera simarubaGumbo Limbo 25G / 21"
Callicarpa americanaAmerican Beautyberry 3G / 10"
Calotropis giganteaGiant Milkweed, Crown Flower 3G / 10"
Cassia senna3G / 10"
Clusia rosea 'Nana'Dwarf Pitch Apple, Autograph Tree 3G / 10"
Coccoloba uviferaSea Grape, Seagrape 7G / 14"
Cocos nuciferaCoconut Palm 25G / 21"
Codiaeum variegatum 'Petra'Croton 3G / 10"
Cupressus sempervirensItalian Cypress 7G / 14"
Dianella tasmanica 'Variegata'Flax Lily, Tasmanian Flax Lily 1G / 6"
Duranta erecta 'Gold Mound'Golden Dewdrop, Duranta Repens 3G / 10"
Duranta erecta 'Sapphire Showers'Golden Dewdrop, Duranta Repens, Pigeon Berry, Skyflower 3G / 10"
Dypsis decaryiTriangle Palm 30G
Evolvulus glomeratusBlue Daze 3G / 10"
Ficus microcarpa 'Green Island'Ficus 'Green Island' 3G / 10"
Gaillardia pulchellaIndian Blanket Flower 1G Full
Galphimia glaucaGold Shower, Galphimia gracilis, Shower of Gold, Golden Thryallis, Thryallis Glauca 3G / 10"
Gomphocarpus physocarpusBalloon Plant, Cotton-bush, Giant Swan Milkweed, Hairy Balls, Oscar, Swan Plant 3G / 10"
Hamelia nodosaAfrican Firebush, Dwarf Firebush 3G / 10"
Hamelia patensFirebush, Hummingbird Bush 3G / 10"
Hyophorbe lagenicaulisBottle Palm 15G / 17"
Ilex vomitoria 'Schillings'Yaupon Holly, Ilex vomitoria 'Stokes Dwarf' 3G / 10"
Ixora coccinea 'Nora Grant'Flame of the Woods, Jungle Flame, Jungle Geranium 3G / 10"
Ixora taiwanensis 'Dwarf Red'Flame of the Woods, Jungle Flame, Dwarf Ixora 3G / 10"
Jasminum sambacArabian Jasmine, Sambac Jasmine 3G / 10"
Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point'Chinese Juniper 7G / 14"
Lantana camara 'New Gold'3G / 10"
Liriope Muscari 'Super Blue'Lilyturf 1G / 6"
Muhlenbergia capillarisGulf Coast Muhly Grass, Hair-awn muhly, Pink Muhly Grass 3G / 10"
Odontonema strictum 'Red'Firespike Red, Odontonema cuspidatum 3G / 10"
Passiflora suberosaCorky-stem Passion Vine 3G / 10"
Phoenix roebeleniiPygmy Date Palm, Roebelenii palm 25G / 21"
Pseudogynoxys chenopodioidesMexican Flame Vine, Senecio confusus 3G / 10"
Psychotria nervosaWild Coffee 3G / 10"
Rondeletia leucophyllaPanama Rose 3G / 10"
Salvia 'Indigo Spires'Sage 3G / 10"
Salvia coccineaScarlet Sage 3G / 10"
Salvia leucanthaMexican Bush Sage 3G / 10"
Spartina bakeriSand Cordgrass 3G / 10"
StachytarphetaPorterweed 3G / 10"
Thrinax radiataFlorida Thatch Palm 3G / 10"
Tripsacum dactyloidesFakahatchee Grass, Eastern Gamagrass 3G / 10"
Tripsacum floridanaFlorida Gama Grass, Dwarf Fakahatchee 3G / 10"
Wodyetia bifurcataFoxtail Palm 25G / 21"