Agave americanaCentury Plant, Yellow Agave, Agave Amarillo 15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
Alcantarea 'Odorata'Bromeliad 7G / 14"
BrugmansiaAngel's Trumpet 15G / 17"
Brunfelsia calycinaYesterday Today and Tomorrow 7G / 14"
7G / 14"
7G / 14"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
Caesalpinia pulcherrimaDwarf Poinciana, Pride of Barbados 15G / 17"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
Calliandra riparia 'Rose Cascade'Pink Powder Puff, Calliandra schultzei 'Rose Cascade' 25G / 21"
25G / 21"
Chrysobalanus icaco 'Red Tip'Cocoplum 7G / 14"
7G / 14"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
Clerodendrum quadriloculareShooting Star, Starburst Clerodendrum 7G / 14"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
Cocos nuciferaCoconut Palm 25G / 21"
Conocarpus erectusGreen Buttonwood 7G / 14"
7G / 14"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
Crinum augustum 'Queen Emma'Crinum Lily 'Queen Emma' 15G / 17"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
Eugenia foetidaSpanish Stopper 25G / 21"
Ixora taiwanensis 'Dwarf Red'Flame of the Woods, Jungle Flame, Dwarf Ixora 7G / 14"
Ligustrum japonicumJapanese Privet, Wax Leaf Ligustrum 15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
Livistona chinensisChinese Fan Palm 7G / 14"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
Myrcianthes fragransSimpson's Stopper 7G / 14"
7G / 14"
7G / 14"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
Pachypodium rutenbergianum15G / 17"
Pandanus utilisScrew Pine 45G / 28"
Psidium littoraleCattley Guava, Strawberry Guava 7G / 14"
7G / 14"
7G / 14"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
Quadrella jamaicensisJamaican Caper, Capparis cynophallophora 7G / 14"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
45G / 28"
Radermachera 'Kunming'Dwarf Tree Jasmine, Peep Thong 7G / 14"
7G / 14"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
Rhapis excelsaLady Palm 15G / 17"
Schefflera arboricola 'Green'Umbrella Tree 7G / 14"
7G / 14"
7G / 14"
7G / 14"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
15G / 17"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
25G / 21"
Senna nemophila coriaceaDesert Cassia 25G / 21"
Thrinax radiataFlorida Thatch Palm 25G / 21"